Internet - Graphics/E-Commerce
Nationality: Italiana
Posizione autonoma con partita IVA
Stefano Todaro
Instructional Design, e-Learning & Knowledge Management & Consulenze Strategiche
== Progetti Micro-Piccole Organizzazioni ==
Gestisco tutte le fasi di Micro-Progetti di integrazione Mondo Reale e Virtuale per qualsiasi settore di mercato. Dall'ideazione, al progetto, passando dalla produzione fino al mantenimento. Gestisco tutte le attività per conto del cliente per tutti i servizi. Progetto e produco tutti i contenuti digitali e multimediali. Ogni progetto è completo di Piano Marketing, Comunicazione, Tecnologico, Commerciale, Networking, Coaching, e-Learning, e-Commerce, Knowledge Management, Umanistico e Socio-Economico. Il cliente sceglie un Canone Mensile Anticipato Fisso abbinato ad un Mandato di Assegnazione di validità annuale con cui scegliere con un prezzo tutti i servizi da lui richiesti!
== Progettazione Interventi Formativi Integrati per Aziende ==
Percorsi Formativi sia per la Formazione Tradizionale (Formazione Obbligatoria e Continua) che per la Formazione Strategica (Formazione NON Convenzionale), in grado di garantire l'ottenimento dei risultati ricercati, completo di gestione del R.O.I. della Formazione, tramite un mio modello avanzato di Instructional System Design e di Marketing dedicato.
== Progettazione & Produzione & Mantenimento di Oggetti Interattivi Multimediali ==
Oggetti Digitali Interattivi Multimediali (Learning Objects) di qualsiasi tipo e scopo e Sistemi online per l'Apprendimento e la Conoscenza.
== Sviluppo Business Persona ==
Progettazione della gestione della propria Carriera Professionale finalizzata ad aumentare la propria impiegabilità nel mondo dei prodotti e/o dei servizi per tutte le forme di rapporto di lavoro subordinato.
== Sviluppo Business Autonomo ==
Progettazione della gestione della propria Carriera Professionale finalizzata ad aumentare la competitività nel mondo dei prodotti e/o dei servizi per tutte le forme di lavoro autonomo, parasubordinato o imprenditoriale.
Sito Web (Servizi)
Sito Web (Sistema Formazione NON Convenzionale)
Posizione autonoma con partita IVA
Stefano Todaro
Instructional Design, e-Learning & Knowledge Management & Consulenze StrategicheInstructional Design, e-Learning & Knowledge Management & Consulenze Strategiche
== Progetti Micro-Piccole Organizzazioni ==
Gestisco tutte le fasi di Micro-Progetti di integrazione Mondo Reale e Virtuale per qualsiasi settore di mercato. Dall'ideazione, al progetto, passando dalla produzione fino al mantenimento. Gestisco tutte le attività per conto del cliente per tutti i servizi. Progetto e produco tutti i contenuti digitali e multimediali. Ogni progetto è completo di Piano Marketing, Comunicazione, Tecnologico, Commerciale, Networking, Coaching, e-Learning, e-Commerce, Knowledge Management, Umanistico e Socio-Economico. Il cliente sceglie un Canone Mensile Anticipato Fisso abbinato ad un Mandato di Assegnazione di validità annuale con cui scegliere con un prezzo tutti i servizi da lui richiesti!
== Progettazione Interventi Formativi Integrati per Aziende ==
Percorsi Formativi sia per la Formazione Tradizionale (Formazione Obbligatoria e Continua) che per la Formazione Strategica (Formazione NON Convenzionale), in grado di garantire l'ottenimento dei risultati ricercati, completo di gestione del R.O.I. della Formazione, tramite un mio modello avanzato di Instructional System Design e di Marketing dedicato.
== Progettazione & Produzione & Mantenimento di Oggetti Interattivi Multimediali ==
Oggetti Digitali Interattivi Multimediali (Learning Objects) di qualsiasi tipo e scopo e Sistemi online per l'Apprendimento e la Conoscenza.
== Sviluppo Business Persona ==
Progettazione della gestione della propria Carriera Professionale finalizzata ad aumentare la propria impiegabilità nel mondo dei prodotti e/o dei servizi per tutte le forme di rapporto di lavoro subordinato.
== Sviluppo Business Autonomo ==
Progettazione della gestione della propria Carriera Professionale finalizzata ad aumentare la competitività nel mondo dei prodotti e/o dei servizi per tutte le forme di lavoro autonomo, parasubordinato o imprenditoriale.
Sito Web (Servizi)
Sito Web (Sistema Formazione NON Convenzionale)
Permanent employment - full time - Level 1
IT.Tron Srl
Human Resources for ICT projects
Planning Organization and Personnel Selection
Design Services Business Information
web Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Enterprise Developer Business
Brochures and Business Presentations
Permanent employment - full time - Level 1
Tron Srl
Industrial and institutional relations, partnership, scouting, start-ups
Analysis of feasibility technology projects
Stipulation partnerships with selected companies
Network management business brokers
External communications and brand partners
Graphic design brochures and presentations
Projects of strategic marketing turnkey
Corporate Business Planning and Project
Assumption indefinitely - full time- 1° level
Altran Italia Spa - Via Goito, 52 00185 Roma (RM)
French society of international industrial consulting
Task: outsourcing consultant (Techical Consultant).
- Technological and organizational support
- Informations flow and processes management
- Learning processes management
- Knowledge Management
> MAR.COM. (Marketing & Comunication Management - Rome) [2011] <
- Design Environment e-Community Market WATCH
- Support for data processing marketing studies
- Environmental Management CRM (Microsoft Dynamics) strategic analysis and data processing
> Compilation Personal Dossier <
- Design and realization of a model of standardized compilation of the Person Dossiers
- Design and realization of the instructions and some compilation procedures
- Design and online realization of the tools of consultation (instructions and procedures)
- Design and realization of the automation in Word of the management of the Person Dossiers
> Market penetration marketing strategy el&KM <
- Planning of the commercial and technological actions
- Analysis of sinnergie
- Preparation of the presentations and thematic documentations
> Systemic integration formalization eL&KM <
- System schematization and his integrations
- Analysis integration eL&km to the organization
- Preparation of the presentations and thematic documentations
== GlobalValue [2005 - 2008] ==
- Management Documentation and Systems Informative Backup & Restore
- Data management and informative flows
- Management documentations and relative processes
- Management of the learning and knowledge processes
== Fiat Auto/Lancia Ente Marketing [2003 - 2005] ==
- Management of informative system JATO
- Assistance consumers to the production
- Educational Planning
- Project Management
- Organization and planning activity server
== Fiat Auto / Powertrain [2003] ==
- PDM Data Management
- Assistance Engineers
== Center Office Services engineering Global Value Via Pinerolo [2001 - 2003] ==
- Lybrary modeling objects 3D component parametric
- Assistance of dates and information procecess
- Project Activity
== IVECO (Stura Lazio) [2000 - 2001] ==
- Project for management services CAD to the suppliers IVECO
- Project Activity
== Fiat Engeneering ( Ferrucci) [2000] ==
- Inside servicess engineers
- Management plans application CAD for corporate body of engineering
- Management licenses and portfolio applications
== COMAU (Grugliasco) [1999-2000] ==
- Inside servicess engineers
- Management plans application CAD for corporate body of engineering
- Management licenses and portfolio applications
- Organization and planning activity server
- Analysis organization and planning normative of planning
- Analysis organization and planning planning CAD 2D/3D
Contracts as continuous professional activity
C.I.A.M. C.r.l. - Milan
Computer center of Training private Multimedia
Training activity also with the FSEs (European social funds).
Developed specializations: formation dependent of the Province in Milan - FSE (Multimedia Translators).
Finality: formation and orientation to the sector selected by the subscribers
Consultant Impegno Pubblicità
IMPEGNO Pubblicità S.a.s. - Milan
Society of services first/after the sale Cad/Graphic Multimedia - Services
Specializations Software developed: Client of the Provider - Netscape - Explorer - Internet Software.
Finality: Consultations and supplies services for engineering societies - Person responsible Internet Business
Assumption as inside trainer
ENAIP Training Services Center - Milan
Center of Professional Training settled with the Region Lombardy
Developed specializations: formation for post-graduate sector
Finality: formation and orientation to the selected sector
Motivation of the change: discordance on the management of the reported planning to the courses of professional formation
Business hunter
METHODO S.r.l. - Milan
Society of marketing services of professional updating on CD and Internet
Advertising official
Motivation of the change: unsatisfactory transitory activity
Assumption indefinitely full-time 1° level trade
Society of managerial consultation and certification
Analyst in the Department Preliminary Investigations
Realization of business analysis for projects of contracting consultation.
Motivation of the change: incompatibility with the due family demands to too many national trips
Contract as external advisor
SCARMAL S.a.s. - Milan
Society of marketing furnishing and realizations of restructurings
Optimization and business rationalization
Enterprise consulting - business ICT from the planning to the estimating
Motivation of the change: transitory activity not continuous
SINAPSI S.a.s. - Milan
Society of services first/after the sale Cad/Graphic Multimedia MsDos/Windows - Internet Services
Consulting and supplies services for society engeneering and of service
Motivation of the change: due personal decision to demands of family
Passage of the quotas to IMPEGNO Pubblicità
Assumption indefinitely - Part Time
ORVAN - Milan
Study of planning internal furnishings for public local with production furniture
Responsible Computer Business and of the planning CAD
Motivation of the change: economic recession for fiscal problems
Assumption indefinitely - Full Time
Retailer computer pluri-brands
Manager of the Division CAD/Graphic
Motivation of the change: the society didn\'t want to invest seriously in the sector
before External Collaborator - then assumption Full Time with contract to determined time
A.C.I.S.T. - Milan
Center of Regional Professional Formation
Internal Trainer desk Technics CAD and Design
Motivation of the change: loss of the regional convention of the corporate body
Employed indefinitely full time
VTR - Milan
International distributor of Hardware and Software
Commercial Technical official for Systems of CAD / Graphics
Motivation of the change: recession of the distributive market of tall band
Society subsequently in liquidation
Employed indefinitely full time
TELAV INTERNATIONAL - Trezzano sul Naviglio - Milan
International distributor of Hardware and Software
Project Manager VersaCAD Corporation
Product CAD VersaCAD for Italy
Motivation of the change: liquidation of the Society
Employed indefinitely full time
Edilmonari - Olgiate Molgora - Lecco
Building and real estate enterprise for big residential and public realizations
Head yard: responsible productive activity and of accounting works
Head yard: responsible productive activity and of accounting works
ISTIM - Bernareggio - Milan
Building and real estate enterprise for big residential realizations
Management of the activities of planning, of production and of accounting works
Employed indefinitely full time
Barassi Attilio - Monza (Milan)
Building and real estate enterprise for big residential realizations
Surveyor of yard: Assistant of yard - Tracings of yard and accounting you work
Employed indefinitely full time
Edi-Bi - Milan
Building enterprise
Surveyor of yard: Tracings of yard - Planning activity - Management interventions industrial assistance
Employed indefinitely full time
Artizzu & Muriglio - Varese
Building enterprise
Surveyor of yard: Assistant of yard - building Tracings
Corso Formazione MANAGER di Rete Impresa
Gestione di Reti di Impresa per la PMI e relative strategie nei vari settori di mercato.
HR Specialist
Sole 24 Ore
Gestione e processi Capitale Umano, iniziative e strategie per Selezione, Sviluppo, Orientamento, Prestazioni e Organizzazione.
Europrogettazione e acceso ai finanziamenti
Sole 24 Ore
Gestione di tutto il processo di progettazione e redazione dei principali Programmi di Finanziamento con fondi Europei.
Specialistic degree - Sciences and technologies of the communication and the information
University of the studies in Genoa
Faculty Science of the Formation and Engineering - Class 100/s
Understanding and search of the technologies and the necessary humanistic sciences for to manage objective finalized to the processes of learning and the knowledge
Understanding and search of the technologies and the necessary humanistic sciences for to manage objective finalized to the processes of learning
University of the studies in Florence
Course of Degree - Multimedia Trainer
Faculty of Science of the Formation (
Advanced course of Management of the Production
Cesma - Milan - Via Giuseppe Frua, 22
Management of the production for the PMI
Course of Management for the management of the Small one and it Mediates Enterprise
Cesma - Milan - Via Giuseppe Frua, 22
Bookkeeping and industrial management for order and projects of PMI
Accounting works public and privacies and estimating
Professional school of masonry - Milan - Via L.Cagnola, 17
The bookkeeper\'s management jobs for public and private corporate body